На Житомирщині поліція розслідує обставини вибуху під час сільськогосподарських робіт

In the Zhytomyr region, the police are investigating the circumstances of the explosion during agricultural work

On the afternoon of June 1, an explosion rang out in Narodytskyi hromada during the cultivation of a field. Fortunately, no one was injured. Previously, the cause of the incident was the activation of a fragmentation element from an enemy missile. The police have started a pre-trial investigation.

Around 12:30, the police received a report about an explosion in a field near the village. Mezhylisks of the Narodytskyi hromada.

The investigative-operational group of the police department No. 1 of the Korosten RUP and explosives specialists of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Police Department worked at the scene of the incident.

Previously, during disking of the field, the harrow of the tractor ran into a fragmentary element from the cluster warhead of the rocket, as a result of which an explosion occurred. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Tractor equipment was damaged.

Official website of the National Police:  https://www.npu.gov.ua/news/Informacziya/na-zhitomirshhini-policziya-rozsliduje-obstavini-vibuxu-pid-chas-silskogospodarskix-robit/

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